Sample Translations English

Smelling to Survive

Amazing stories from the world of the sense of smell

Sample Translations English
  • The Director of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Eco- logy opens the doors of his lab
  • Sense of smell around the world – from Christmas Island to the forests of Ontario
  • Full English translation available

Do hammerhead sharks smell in stereo? What do babies smell of? And can dogs sniff out the past?

Bill Hansson, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Eco- logy, recounts amazing stories from the world of olfactory research: from the tobacco plant that excretes an alarm odour, to mosquitos that cherish the smell of sweaty feet, to lilies that imitate the fragrance of horse manure.
Hansson explains why scientists are interested in the smell that surrounds teenage males, and how climate change affects the smell of our environment. He describes research trips to Christmas Island, where crabs with particularly keen noses crack coconuts on the beach, and outlines studies that reveal that penguins recognise their partner by their scent. A journey into the most colourful noses from the animal, plant and human world.

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  • Publisher: S. FISCHER
  • Release: 27.10.2021
  • 400 pages
Anna Schroll

Bill Hansson

The neuroethologist Bill Hansson, who was born in Sweden in 1959, served as Vice President of the Max Planck Socie- ty, and currently directs the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena and is an honorary professor at the Friedrich Schiller University. His research centres on the question of how plants and insects communicate through scent. In Die Nase vorn (Smelling to Survive) he shares his personal adventures during research trips throughout the world and recounts amazing stories about moths‘ highly sensitive noses, sweaty Neanderthals, and the hole in the ozone layer.