Der kleine Beuteldachs
Der kleine Beuteldachs Zusatzmaterial
Der kleine Beuteldachs Zusatzmaterial

The Little Bandicoot

Pretty Brave!

The little bandicoot and his dad are walking through the forest on their way to visit Grandma. It’s creepy in here!, the little bandicoot thinks. Behind each tree, you can hear it crackling and rustling. Are they being followed? His dad, who always has something clever to say, keeps reassuring him. When the little bandicoot eventually plucks up his courage to talk to a wolf, he is in for a big surprise. Actually, the other animals in the forest were scared of the bandicoots! How silly! During a picknick they all become friends. Pretty brave …

Contact Foreign Rights
  • Publisher: FISCHER Sauerländer
  • Release: 15.03.2023
  • 32 pages
  • Ages: 4+
Cover Download Der kleine Beuteldachs
Der kleine Beuteldachs

Sven Maria Schröder

Sven Maria Schröder studied communication design in Stuttgart, Paris, and Munich and worked in several design agencies. In 2003, he became a freelance illustrator to focus entirely on his drawing. He lives in Hamburg with his daughter.